Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) Fellowships 2023 for Doctoral Students

IEG Fellowships: Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) is currently accepting applications from young academics (doctoral and postdoctoral researchers) for its 2023 fellowships. The closing date for the submission of applications is 15th August 2022.

ieg fellowships

Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) Fellowships 2022 is calling for applications. The institute awards research fellowships to young academics (doctoral and postdoctoral researchers) from Germany and abroad.

Funding is supplied for each doctoral and postdoctoral study coping with the religious, political, social, and cultural records of Europe from the early contemporary-day duration to 1989/90. Comparative, transnational, and transfer-ancient studies tasks are mainly welcome, as are tasks that address subjects of intellectual, church or theological records.

The fellowships are solely for the motive of carrying out the studies undertaken as defined in the application on the IEG. Thus, no different shape of employment or investment may be pursued or availed of all through the period of the fellowship.

Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) Fellowships Eligibility

  • Open to Ph.D. students from Germany and abroad who have at least a Masters’s level degree in history, theology, or another discipline that works historically.
  • They must have been pursuing their doctorate for no more than three years at the time of taking up the fellowship, though exceptions may be made in exceptional circumstances.

Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) Fellowships Value

  • IEG Fellowship for doctoral students has a monthly value of € 1,350.
  • Fellowship holders whose partners accompany them to Mainz and do not have an income of more than 450 euros per month may receive a family allowance. Indicate in your application whether your partner accompanies you to Mainz.
  • Fellows who come to Mainz accompanied by their underage children can apply for child allowance.

How to Apply

Provide the following attachments in the following order:

  • the completed application form
  • curriculum vitae and a list of publications (if applicable) (please do not send photographs)
  • an outline of the Ph.D.-thesis (up to 15,000 characters excluding footnotes and spaces)
  • the structure of the Ph.D.-thesis
  • a detailed timetable for the intended stay at the Institute
  • copies of university transcripts and proof of language competence

Applications should be submitted by email to: [email protected]

Leibniz Institute of European History
The Directors
Prof. Irene Dingel and Prof. Johannes Paulmann
Re: Fellowship Application


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About Mr Jay 440 Articles
Nwachukwu Chukukwuebuka J. known as (Mr. Jay) is the founder and editor of DONBIGS. He loves keeping students/readers updated with educational news from various sources.

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