How to Check OKOPOLY Semester Result 2021/2022

How to Check Okopoly Semester Result: Have you been confused about how to access the Federal Polytechnic Oko(OKOPOLY) Portal for online checking of semester results (AUDITORIUM & MASS COMM COMPLEX)?

To get the full information on how to check the OKOPOLY semester result, ensure to read this article to the end because the steps  via checking the semester result is specified below.

We are glad to inform all students of Federal Polytechnic Oko (okopoly) that the portal for the checking of semester results has been enabled.
This simply means that henceforth, students can check their results online both  “AUDITORIUM & MASS COMM COMPLEX”.

We have screenshots that will guide you properly if you are getting confused during the checking process and also a video that will also help you.


1. Click on the link  HERE

Okopoly semester result check

2.  A page like the above screenshot will appear, then log in with your as your username and password all in Capital letters.

3. Click on a result and select view results.

How to Check Okopoly Semester Result

4. Add your, session, and semester.

How to Check Okopoly Semester Result

5. Finally, Click on submit.

Also see: Federal Polytechnic Oko (OKOPOLY) School Fees

Important NOTICE!

The other way round whereby you check for “Masscom complex and Auditorium” is not working anymore via the link that will take you to MASS COMM COMPLEX SEMESTER RESULT CHECKER is not connecting.

We have been informed that you can now access your semester result through one source (link) either written on MASS COMM COMPLEX OR AUDITORIUM.  You just follow the procedure above, when you click the submit button your results will display both the ones written on Mass comm Complex and Auditorium.

Good luck!!!

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About Mr Jay 358 Articles
Nwachukwu Chukukwuebuka J. known as (Mr. Jay) is the founder and editor of DONBIGS. He loves keeping students/readers updated with educational news from various sources.


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